Why the Scale Won’t Budge (Despite Doing Everything Right)
Jan 28, 2025
My sister has been working on a weight loss journey and reached out to me the other day with a question: she wanted to know why she can see she’s losing inches and her clothes are getting looser, but her scale is not indicating that she is losing any weight. It got me wondering how many other people have had this same experience and are confused about the mixed results. Well, the answer is, if this is happening to you, there could be multiple reasons why.
The first and most obvious answer is that if you’re working out, body recomposition could be occurring. If you’re strength training or even just walking with intention more frequently, you’re likely converting fat into muscle. The basic household scale can’t differentiate between fat and muscle. Muscle is denser and takes up less space than body fat, so if recomposition is occurring, it’s entirely possible to see a difference when you look in the mirror and your clothes get looser, but the scale is not adjusting to reflect this change. A good solution to this problem is to get a body fat scale instead of a standard bathroom scale and use body measurements to track progress.
Water retention is another common reason why the scale is not moving. Sodium, stress, hormones, and even some medications can cause fluid retention, which can keep that scale from moving in the right direction. The good news is that this is not a long-term problem and will usually resolve itself, but there are ways to help your body get back on track. It sounds counterintuitive, but drinking more water is the best way to get rid of water retention. Increasing your water intake will improve kidney function by helping the body eliminate excess water and flush out sodium. Plus, it will teach your body not to store water. There’s even more of an upside to increasing your water intake, though – it will help you feel fuller and less hungry and will help you burn calories, making it a win/win.
But it’s the third and less well-known reason I wanted to address – inflammation. Weight gains typically cause hormonal and metabolic changes that lead to an increase in C-reactive protein levels in the blood. These key inflammatory markers usually remain until the excess weight is lost. Meanwhile, the resulting inflammation impairs the body’s ability to process insulin, leading to higher glucose levels and liver fat accumulation, further impairing insulin processing. This, of course, can lead to more weight gain, which in turn leads to further insulin resistance, and on and on it goes.
Additionally, both weight gain and inflammation impair the production of a key hormone called leptin, which works in the brain as a messenger to regulate metabolism and control appetite. Lower levels slow metabolism and make you feel hungry, further impeding any efforts to control weight. So, how do we get chronic inflammation under control?
Your diet plays a crucial role in managing inflammation in your body. Nuts, seeds, and fatty fish are rich in anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation and protect your cells. Nuts like almonds and walnuts provide healthy fats and antioxidants, while seeds like chia and flaxseeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. Fatty fish such as salmon and sardines are excellent sources of these beneficial fats, which help balance inflammatory responses. Berries like blueberries and strawberries are rich in antioxidants that combat oxidative stress. Leafy greens such as spinach and kale are loaded with vitamins and fiber. Switching from processed snacks to these healthier options can make a big difference in your overall health. By making these simple dietary changes, you can support your body’s natural defenses and reduce chronic inflammation.
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